Dues are to be paid by May 1 for the upcoming Club year. There are 8 Months of meeting annually. (Oct. – May) If you join Feb. through May, dues are one-half ($37 & $50), for the remainder of the current Club year.
Please Note:
It is the responsibility of each member to serve on at least one Hospitality Committee during the
Club year. If you are unable to do the month assigned, YOU MUST ARRANGE A SUBSTITUTE.
If such a change is made, please notify the Hospitality Host for your month.
Wednesday, October 2: Host Judy Hanks
Eileen Gomory, Kathe Hardwick, Dorothy Shuman, Howard Letts
Kit Whittington, Bea Mathis, Carol Mariani
Wednesday, November 6: Host Theresa Haverkamp
Jackie Ceren, Carol & Al DeNeve, Rosemary Jackson,
Gene Makela, Roma Allen, Sue Englander, Jeanie Roush
Wednesday, December 4: Host Nancy Sardinas Lambert
(Holiday Potluck at 11:30 a.m.)
Jean Brown, Jan Bradish, Judy & Bud Sorenson, Kathryn Cormier
Wednesday, January 8: Host: Terri Legatti
Hilles Smith, Claire Claffie, Joanne Tarbell, Caroline Kaufman,
Anne John, Laura Katz, Loretta Mitchell
Wednesday, February 19: Host Anne Schroderheim
Maggie Douglas, Carol Ann Albertini, Cheri Wright, Ellen Ritter,
Nora Waltz, Suzanne Inzinia, Leslie Pratt, Sandra Leppert, Alison Bullion
Wednesday, March 5: Host Lorraine Golomb
Maureen Ballinger, Barbara Harrison, Sharon Meininger,
Ada & Bill Gregg, Sally Jensen, Trudy Cooper
Wednesday, April 2: Host Carol Mears
Larry Hanks, Willene Hughes, Greg Ferro, Tracy Riordan,
Dan & Katie Martucci, Nancy Lewis
Wednesday, May 7: Host Kathy Hefele
Colleen Chaney, Mary Ann Chenoweth, Katie Ferro,
Ronnie Stewart, Louise Karim, Susan Lake
President: Kathy Hefele
1st Vice President: Jackie Ceren
2nd Vice President: Dorothy Shuman & Jean Brown
Recording Secretary: Anne John
Corresponding Secretary: Theresa Haverkamp
Treasurer: Cheri Wright
Assistant Treasurer: Judy Hanks
Kathy Hefele- Elected Officer, expires 2025
Jackie Ceren - Elected Officer, expires 2025
Cheri Wright- Elected Officer, expires 2025
Carol DeNeve- expires 2025
Judy Sorenson- expires 2025
Kathe Hardwick- expires 2025
Jan Bradish- expires 2025
Judy Hanks- expires 2025
Kit Whittington- expires 2027
The name of the corporation shall be The Belleair Garden Club, Inc. The location of the corporation shall be 903 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Bellair, Florida 33756.
The objectives of the Belleair Garden Club, Inc. shall be to further the education of members and the public in the fields of horticulture and to promote conservation and the beautification of our public access parks, homes and gardens.
Section 1.
(a) A person eligible for membership must have attended one meeting.
(b) Members must actively participate and accept responsibility in the work of the Club and its projects.
(c) Each member is to serve on at least one Hospitality Committee during the CLub year. If a memeber is unable to serve, the member shall arrange a substitute and notify the Hospitality Host.
Section 2
Honorary Membership may be conferred upon a person, by majority vote of the Board. Honorary Members must have notably promoted the purpose of the Garden Club and have been a member for at least 5 years. Honorary Members wil be listed in the directory as such and will not be charged annual membership dues.
Section 3
Active Members who have not paid dues for one year are no longer members and must reapply for membership.
Section 1
The elected officers of The Belleair Garden Club, Inc. shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2
Te Officers shall be divided into two (2) groups, each group to be elected in in alternate years for a term of two (2) years, or until their successors are elected, as follows:
Group 1 President, First Vice President, and Treasurer
Group 2 Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary
Section 3
No Officer, except the Treasurer shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 4
Newly elected officers shall be installed at the Annual Meeting in May and shall begin their term of office at the close of the meeting.
Section 1
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors. The President shall appoint all chairs of Standing Committees, except the Program Chair and Membership Chair and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall call regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors and shall perform all other duties devolving upon the office of the President. In the absence of the Treasurer, or the Assistant Treasurer, the President is authorized to sign checks. The President shall appoint the Parlimentarian and the Chaplain, and recommend to the Town Board of Commissioners the appointment of three Garden Club members to the Park and Tree Board. The President shall appoint the Chair of the Audit Committee and two active members who previously served as Treasurer (if possible). President shall appoint an Assistant Treasurer if the Treasurer shall so request.
Section 2
The Vice Presidents, in order of their rank, shall perform the duties of President in the President's absence or at the President's request.
Section 3
The First Vice President shall be responsible for the Annual Club Program.
Section 4
The Second Vice President shall be Chair of the Membership Committee and shall present to the Board of Directors all applications which have been approved by the Committee. The Membership Chair shall prepare three copies of the membership roster including address, zip code and telephone number and give a copy to the President and Treasurer by June 1.
Section 5
The Recording Secretary shall also be the Secretary of the Board of Directors and shall keep a detailed record of the proceedings of all meetings. The Recording Secretary shall be custodian of the records of the organization, except those specifically assigned to other officers, and at the expiration of the term in office shall deliver the records to the successor.
Section 6
The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Club and shall send written notices of scheduled Club meetings to every member at least one week before each meeting. The Corresponding Secretary shall maintain a complete and up-to-date list of membership, including addresses, telephone numbers and zip codes.
Section 7
(a) The Treasurer shall collect all dues, take charge of all funds of the Club, including all committee
monies, and deposit such funds in the name of the Club in a bank or trust company designated
by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall pay by check all expenditures approved by the
Board of Directors and by the chair of the incurring committee. Accounts and vouchers shall
always be open to the inspection of the Board and a financial statement shall be presented at
each meeting of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep an itemized account of all
receipts and disbursements and shall present a written financial report at the Club meeting
following the Board of Directors meeting, filing same with the Recording Secretary. The Treasurer
shall keep an accurate list of the different types of membership, shall send dues payment notices,
notify delinquent members, and shall be Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee.
(b) The outgoing Treasurer shall turn over to the successor all money, vouchers, books, and papers of
the Club in the Treasurer's custody within thirty (30) days after the incoming Treasurer assumes
(c) If, in the opinion of the duly elected Treasurer, there is a need for an Assistant Treasurer, subject to
approval by the Board of Directors. the duties of the Assistant Treasurer shall be delegated by the
Section 1
(a) The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers, chairs of standing committees, and
Trustees. The Board is charged with the formulation of plans and policies, empowered with the
general management of the Club,and will control the expenditure of Club funds.
(b) The Board will submit proposals for all expenditures of Club funds in excess of Two Hundred
Dollars ($200) for approval of the members of any regular meeting.
(c) All new subject matter shall first be presented to the Board for consideration before being presented
to the Club.
(d) The Board shall fill any vacancy in an elective office of the Club, by majority vote of those present at
any meeting of the Board. The person so elected shall hold office until a successor shall be duly
elected and such appointment is not construed as the first year of service for term limits.
(e) The Board is empowered to approve or disapprove applications for Active and Associate members.
(f) The Board of Directors shall enforce the authority given to it under these bylaws and take any action
necessary to promote the best interests of the Club.
Section 1
The Executive Committee shall consist of elected officers.
Section 2
The Standing Committee Chair shall be appointed by the Incoming President.
Section 3
The Chair of each Standing Committee shall present to the Board of Directors for its approval an outline of the proposed work of that Committee and shall counsel and cooperate with officers in the management of Club goals.
Section 4
The Budget and Finance Committee shall act as one and shall be composed of the Treasurer, who shall be Chair, the Assistant Treasurer (if appointed), the President of the Club, the Chair of the Trustees, and two members of the Club appointed by the President. This Committee shall prepare an annual budget for approval by the Board of Directors. This Committee shall have the responsibility and administration of all financial matters, obligations, and assets. They shall be in charge of plans to effect prompt payment of pledges and gifts. All expenditures not provided in the budget must have the approval of the Board of Directors before payment is made.
Section 5
The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members, two of whom shall be elected by the Board of Directors from their members at the second fall meeting. Three (3) other members of the Committee shall be elected by and from the members of the Club at the regular meeting in November. These five nominees shall elect a Chair. The President should never be a member of the Nominating Committee. Nominations from the floor may then be made. At the same time, this Committee shall select a list of candidates for vacancies on The Belleair Garden Club Board of Trustees and Scholarship Fund Committee for presentation att he Club membership at the February meeting.
Section 6
The Membership Committee shall consist of the Second Vice President, who shall be Chair, and two members appointed by the President for the Club at large.
Section 7
The Ways and Means Committee shall be responsible for special fund-raising projects and shall present to the Board of Directors for approval all plans for money. All expenditures shall be handled according to Section 4 of this Article. The President shall appoint as many Committee members as necessary for the projects.
Section 8
Committee desiring to take public action must first present plans for the approval of the Board of Directors. The use of the Club name is prohibited in any public action of Committee members without the consent of the Board of Directors.
Section 9
The President may appoint such special committees as deemed necessary.
Section 10
All Committee Chairs shall be discharged of their duties by the President at the annual meeting. The Chairs of Special Committees may be discharged at the completion of their duties.
Elections will be held at the April meeting. Candidates are elected by ballot and majority vote. When there is but one candidate for a office, the ballot may be dispensed with and the Recording Secretary ordered to cast a vote for the nominee for the office to which nominated.
Section 1
Beginning in October and ending in May the Club shall meet once a month, the day to be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 2
The Board of Directors shall hold a business meeting each month prior to the regular meeting.
Section 3
The Annual Meeting shall be in May, the date and place to be decided by the Board of Directors.
Section 4
Guest fees for meeting at which paid entertainment is provided shall be established by the Board of Directors.
Section 5
Ten members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of Board business and 25 Active members of the Club shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a Club meeting.
Section 6
The President shall have the authority to call a special meeting of the Board of Directors, and/or of the Club, for any reason which the President deems necessary.
The management of this Club shall be vested in a Board of Directors, composed of the Executive Committee and Standing Committee Chairs, except that the Belleair Garden Club Trustees shall have general supervision over all the affairs of the Clubhouse subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 1
the fiscal year shall be from May 1 through April 30 of the following year.
Section 2
The annual dues for Active and Associate Members shall be recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership.
Section 3
Honorary members shall be exempt from paying dues.
Section 4
Applicants joining the Club after February 1 shall pay not less than one-half of the annual dues for the remainder of the year.
Section 5
Annual dues (including the per capita dues of the Florida State and National Federation of Garden Clubs) are payable by the first meeting in May and become delinquent two weeks thereafter.
Section 6
When a members becomes delinquent, membership rights shall be forfeited ten days after notification by the Treasurer of nonpayment of dues. A reinstatement fee of $10.00 shall be charged.
Section 1
All delegates to District, State, and National Federation of Garden Club conventions and meetings shall be elected by the Club, except the incoming President and First Vice President.
Section 2
The incoming President and First Vice President shall attend the Presidents' Spring Conference and Annual District meeting, and the Florida State Federation Annual Convention.
Section 3
The President's and First Vice President's expenses incurred under Section 2, this Article, shall be paid by the Club, said amount each year to be incorporated in the Annual Budget.
Section 1
The Belleair Garden Club Trustees shall consist of nine members, three of whom shall be the President, First Vice President and Treasurer for the Belleair Garden Club for the duration of their term of office.
Section 2
At least three (3) members shall have served as officers for one, two and three years originally. After their original term, each member may be re-elected to serve a term of three years.
Section 3
Terms of Trustees other than the officers shall be staggered for one, two, and three years originally. After the original term, each member may be re-elected to serve a term of three years.
Section 4
In the event of a vacancy, it shall be filled by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 5
The Nomination Committee of The Belleair Garden Club shall nominate Belleair Garden Club Trustees as set forth in Article VII hereof. Nomination may also be made from the floor.
Section 6
The President and the Garden Cub Trustees shall have general supervision of all affairs of the Clubhouse, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Section 7
The Garden Club Trustees shall be governed by a set of Rules and Regulations made by its own members and approved by the Board of Directors, and all amendments thereto, shall be furnished to each member of the Board of Directors.
Section 1 PURPOSE
The Belleair Garden Club Scholarship Fund has been established to give financial assistance to disadvantaged high school graduates in their preparation for a vocation in horticulture, ecology or related fields.
The Chair and two committee members shall be responsible for the administration of the Fund. They shall be elected for a three-year term, with one member elected each year.
Section 3
In the event of a vacancy, it shall be filled by appointment by the President, with the approval of the Board of Directors, until the next election.
Section 4
the Nominating Committee shall nominate committee members as set forth in Article VII hererof.
Section 5
The Scholarship Committee shall have supervision of the Fund and award one or more scholarships each year form the accrued interest in the Fund according to the approved Rule and Regulations.
Section 6
All Funds given by donors shall be placed in a separate interest bearing account. Only the interest earned may be used for scholarships. The p4incipal shall be invested in conservative instrumentsw after consultation with the President and Treasurer. In the event the earned interest in the Fund is insufficient for scholarship awards, specific donations may be utilized to award scholarships.
Sectin 7
If The Belleair Gaqrden club, Inc. is dissolved, no assests of this Fund shall inure to the benefit of the members, rather all such assets shall be distributed to one or more organizations which are described in Section 501(e)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Due consideration shall be given to contribute the assets to the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs' Scholarship Fund.
Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of this Club in all cases to which it is applicable and in which it is not inconsiswtent with these Bylaws.
Section 1
These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Club by two-thirds vote of the members present, provided, however, that any proposed amendments shall be previously submitted in writing to all members not less than thirty (30) days prior to such regular or special meeting and provided there is a quorum present.
Section 2
The Charter of The Belleair Garden Club Inc. may be changed or amended in accdordance with the provisions of Section One (1) of this Article, and shall comply with the Laws of the State of Florida.
No member of the Club, including the Board of Diretors, Officeers, or Trustees shall be liable or subject to any liability by reasons of membership for any sum in excess of annual paid dues.
In the event the Club is dissolved, the Treasurer shall submit a Final Report that all bills of the Club are paid and remainingt funds in the treasury are to be disbursed to the Florida Federattion of Garden Clubs, Inc. scholarship Fund.
Newly Revised, Amended Bylaws
Adopted February 7, 2001
Belleair Garden Club
903 Ponce de Leon Blvd
Belleair, FL. 33756
Copyright © 2023 Belleair Garden Club - All Rights Reserved.
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